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Frequently Asked Questions
Who can register for OLI programs?Any Indigenous community, school, or friendship centre is eligible to participate in OLI programming.
How do I register for OLI programs?You can register by completing a registration form at www/
Do we require a minimum number of participants to run the program? Who can participate?No. We work with communities/groups of all sizes. We typically work with youth from Grades 7-12.
Is there a "cap" on the number of participants that can go to Toronto?No. There is no cap on how many students we can take to Toronto. As long as they meet the criteria of the program and the community is able to fund their trip, we can take as many students as the community can send.
Do you offer all 3 programs at once?All first-time communities start with our OLI Dance Program. If communities choose to return the 2nd year, they then become eligible to deliver the RBC Future Leaders and Alumni Program to their community
What is the OLI Annual Showcase?Each May over 6,000 attendees will gather to watch Canada’s Largest Indigenous Youth Performance in Toronto. This event celebrates Indigenous youth from across Canada who have participated in Outside Looking In’s transformative programs. Through Canada’s Largest Indigenous Youth Performance, Canadians are given the chance to learn more about Indigenous peoples, beyond what they see and read in the media. Audiences are invited to learn about the youth and the participating Indigenous communities, and are invited to join in the celebration of their accomplishments.This experience and performance are about give and take. Canadians have an opportunity to look inside Indigenous communities, while the Indigenous youth participants see beyond theirs, serving as a strong anti-racism education piece.
When and Where is the OLI Annual Showacse held?OLI's annual showcase, Canada’s Largest Indigenous Youth Performance, is held in Toronto, ON each May.
How many Showcase events do you put on each year?OLI produces one main showcase each year, Canada's Largest Indigenous Youth Performance
How do I buy tickets to the performance?Tickets can be purchased directly through OLI's website. Please visit
Is the annual performance open to all audiences?Yes, Canada’s Largest Indigenous Youth Performance is a family friendly event.
Who is eligible to sponsor OLI programs?All individuals, corporations, organizations, financial institutions, and foundations are eligible to sponsor OLI.
Who are OLI's existing sponsors?Please refer to our website's homepage for a list of current sponsors
What specific projects or initiatives are seeking funding for?OLI runs several programs and initiatives throughout the year that are eligible for sponsorship opportunities. We can work with you one on on to develop an approach that aligns with your interests
Is OLI seeking in-kind support for products and services?Yes, OLI considers in kind support for products and services throughout the year in support of programs and initiatives
What recognition benefits do you offer to sponsors?OLI provides several levels of sponsorship benefits and can also work with you to customize benefits according to your needs. Please refer to the annual sponsorship package available on our website.
How will you acknowledge and report on the use of funds or in kind support provided?OLI customizes impact reports based on the reporting needs of each sponsor.
Who is OLI ?Outside Looking In (OLI) is an Indigenous-led organization with a demonstrated track record of supporting and empowering Indigenous youth from high school to their career path of choice.Through the power of the arts, our programs inspire Indigenous youth to continue and complete their education. Opportunities to gain skills in areas of long-term commitment, accountability, responsibility, and financial literacy motivate OLI youth to persevere through challenges and develop a positive vision for their future.
Why should I donate to OLI?With your financial support, we can expand our reach and impact the lives of more youth across the country. Every dollar raised fuels our mission to empower Indigenous youth to graduate high school and pursue post-secondary education impacting their communities for generations to come.
Why should I become a monthly donor?Monthly donors do not only play an active role in inspiring Indigenous youth to pursue education, engage in self-expression and celebrate empowerment, they are also playing an important role in supporting OLI with financial sustainability. Monthly donors allow OLI to forecast our funding, budget our finances and most importantly plan projects and initiatves that continue to impact our youth.
How can I become a monthly donor?To become a monthly donor, please visit
What will my donation go towards?Contributions to OLI will be used to further our mission of empowering Indigenous youth through the power of the arts. OLI works diligently to allocate donor funding to programs requiring support. Allocation of funds is an ongoing process throughout the year based on program needs.
Are my donations eligible for a tax receipt?Yes. OLi is a qualified donee in Canada. Therefore your donation is eligible for a tax receipt.
Can I help OLI's cause without donating money?Yes, there are many ways that you can help us empower Indigenous youth across Canada. (1) volunteer your time (2) follow us on social media (3) tell your friends and family about our organization and they work that we are doing (4)
What does Outside Looking In do?OLI programs provide Indigenous youth opportunities to develop into thriving individuals and empowered community leaders.
Is OLI a registered charity?Yes! Outside Looking In is Registered Charity Number: 0123456789
Is OLI funded by the Canadian Government?Although OLI is not presently guaranteed funding from the provincial and federal governments, it does receive government grants from specific departments and programs.
Where does OLI spend the money that you receive?We believe in being open and honest about how we use our funds. You can find detailed financial information in our Annual and Financial Reports. Please visit www/
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